1. English development in their school, or
2. How can they motivate their students to be more loving English and being more active in the classroom.
There are so many ways to solve the problems above. And, maybe you (as English teacher) have found the strategies. Strategies to face your passive students or strategies to "lift" your students who feel lack of vocabularies. But, how if you still have student with different case? Maybe you will need to mix your strategies with another method. The tips and tricks below maybe will inspire you to make funnier class:
1. Start your lesson by changing your class' setting. Arrange your class as if it were conference room. Your headmaster will never accuse you as long as you return the class' setting as before, after the end of class. Then, start to motivate your students by these sentences:
- Make a mistake first!
- Don't be afraid!
- Ignore the structure or grammar!
- Ignore the people who mock you!
Or whatever, that you think can motivate them. Try to make "conducive climate" to practice their English. In short, make them to be more confident and brave. Don't say: "Tadi kamu salah.", but say: "Tadi sebaiknya kamu begini dan begitu. Itu akan lebih efektif, lho."
2. Active students need an active teacher. So, be a creative teacher and don't give any work while you sit. But, move around and help your students.
3. Give various materials. If it's possible, leave your handbook for a while. Arrange groups and tell a story or invite your students to discuss about interesting and up to date topics. Let your students choose the topic that they interested in. Remember, don't choose the topic for them. Let them choose the topic by themselves.
4. Use games or quiz to deliver your lesson. The most important thing: make them speak up!
5. Instrumental music such as Mozart can be used to accompany your students while they are completing a work.
6. Find out more various materials, find out new facts about the result of newest research, and give web site addresses that discuss about environment, social, economic, etc. Make your students active by asking and challenge them to present a material they get from a web site. It's time for your students to be more active. And it's not a time for you to keep making oration in front of the class! Besides your job is getting lighter, your students also get chance to improve their skill in English.
7. Give your students a chance to "teach" their friends through "peer to peer education". Make them being instructor for their friends in a game or quiz. Don't forget to give a reward. Maybe chocolate, funny ballpoint, or anything. Being successful, at least sometimes, is a great motivator.
8. Ensure that the materials you give have been adjusted with the general ability of your students. It will be nice if sometimes you give the easiest work too. Your students will be very happy. And, in the next meeting, increase the difficulty levels of the work. Don't start the beginning of a semester with a heavy topic and homework!
9. Make your students involve in a competition such as debating championship, retelling story, etc. But, in this time, they should not be the participant. Ask them to be the committee of the competition. Make a competition in your town!
10. Ensure that your school has "Pentas Seni" in the end of semester such as drama in English. Minimally, 1 class has 1 representative / team to show their ability on stage!
Yup, the most important thing in now is "that language is spoken". The result of teaching-learning process must be the students' ability in using their English. Start your fun class now!