Wednesday, April 23, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (6th Up Date)

We're really sorry about this week publication that couldn't be up dated and published on time (we usually up date this blog on Sunday or Monday). Why?An error happened to Blogspot, said a friend. He couldn't post his articles to his blog too. We didn't know what kind of error. Yeah, altough it's out of schedule and too late to publish our articles, we should keep up dating our lovely blog.Actually, at the first time we found that we couldn't log in to our admisnistrator page, we were afraid that we would never be able to up date our blog again. We were really afraid because we heard that blogs will be blocked by government. The reason is because blogs are often used to publish pornography. As we know, Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) will block all web sites (include weblog / blog) that contain pornography. Blogs are included as blocked web sites because blogs are recognized as the easiest way (and free of charge) for porno-aholics to expose pornography. So, we're really afraid that our blog will be blocked too, altough this blog isn't pornography "provider". Because, if government realize to block blog without any exception, it means and it will be possible that blog for education like this blog also will be blocked. But, we hope that government will not block all blogs because not all blog provide pornography. In fact, some blogs provide useful tutorials, information about certain community, and concern to education. So, for government, please be selective.
Oke, altough it's out of schedule and too late to talk about Kartini Day, but we would like to talk about it. Last monday, April 21st, all all women in Indonesia are celebrating Kartini Day. A day that of course, related with women. The day of women.Actually, who's Kartini? What did she do so that her name become famous after she passed away? Just want to remind you about Kartini, in this publication we enclose the history of Kartini, taken from Window In The World 3 book. Besides that, we also got e-mail from alumni and it will be published in this edition too. Publishing an e-mail? Not the e-mail, actually. But, the article sent through the e-mail. Thanks for the sender, Siti Fatimah.And, for the next publication, we'll talk about the prediction of UAN result and "preparation" of welcoming Hardiknas or Hari Pendidikan Nasional, May 2nd. Wanna join us?
Just little bit questions about next publication:
  • How was the UAN?
  • What was the easiest and the hardest exam?
  • Did you have special preparation for UAN? What was that?
  • How's your feeling now, after passing UAN?
  • What's your plan after passing UAN?
  • Do you have sufficient information about the school (college / university) where you'll continue your study?
and more questions.......Be sure to join us to practice your English. Send your article or response to


"Recommended For: Students"

The name Raden Ajeng Kartini is closely associated with the emancipation movement of Indonesian women. Her activities were confined within the walls of her father's residence in Jepara, Central Java. Yet, her work and ideas have greatly influenced goverment policy and our thoughts and outlook concerning the status and rights of women.Kartini lived at a time when education, employment outside the home, freedom to decide in marriage, and all such things, were beyond the woman's reach. She saw this with deep sorrow and resentment. Kartini was born in 1879, at a time when school were still rare, and only meant to be attended by the sons of government officials. As a daughter of a regent, a nobleman of the highest rank in the local government, Kartini did enjoy elementary education. Through her own reading and correspondence with Dutch friends she became acquainted with the greatest thinkers of the West.For a girl in her teens at that time, Kartini was very progressive in her ideas. When her father did not allow her to continue her studies in Holland, she was frustated. However, fortunately, through her brother's comforting and encouraging words she got over her depression, and decided to set up a girl's school within the confines of the regent's residence. She gatered the girls from the neighborhood, and taught them to read and write, and other useful skills. Another blow befell her when she was required to marry the regent of Rembang, a man of middle ago who had already been married. It was against Javanese custom to disobey a father's wish, so she left her work in Jepara to her sister, and went to Rembang. She had a faint hope that as a regent's wife she would be able to accomplish more than as a regent's daughter.In Rembang, the first thing she did was to set up a school for girls, but even here she did not see the completion of her work. She died soon after giving birth to a son, at the age of 25.Kartini's ideas and ideals are expressed in her letters, which have been edited under the title of "Through Darkness Into Light", originally written in Dutch, now translated into Indonesian.


“Recommended For: Teachers and Students”

Since Kartini changed our way of think about women, we can see that today, women are different. They’re cleverer and they’re free to tell their opinion. They can be what they want to be. They may do what men can do. A clear example is Ibu Siti Fadilah Supari, Indonesian Health Minister. Megawati Soekarno Poetri also a great woman. She could lead Indonesian people well, when she was Indonesian president. And of course, still there’re so many great women. But, the most important thing is, that today, women get betterment in education and have freedom to speak, to choose, and to refuse. Women can involve in politic, more than as a housewife. Women may have their own career and make decision. Today, everything is different than one or two hundred years ago, because Kartini had changed “the everything”.


"Recommended For: Teachers and Students"

Kartini was a great woman, she is such an Indonesian 'woman hero' especially for me, as a woman. I call her as a hero because she was like struggling to get a movement that time. As the result of her 'fight', woman in Indonesia can get education, able to work and have a same right in many department today. I can't imagine if there was no Kartini and I couldn't get an education and just stay at home, then. That's why we have to appreciate of her 'fighting and struggling'. The appreciation not only shown by remembering her on 21st April or being a carrier woman, like the spread opinion nowadays. There's nothing to remember Kartini's Day without doing anything, remember with no respect, without trying to do and to be what is Kartini struggling for. And there's nonsense to be a carrier woman without think / remember about her position and proportion as a 'woman' in a family. We could respect what we call as emancipation of woman, but we have to think about our fate as woman. There are many Indonesian wife who just think about their work but not about their 'real job' as housewife such a work to take care their children, their house, their family by their selves. I think Kartini would not be pleased to know that most Indonesia children is taken care by a Nanny now. It will be something real to remember Kartini by realizing her wish than remembering but do nothing. Actually there are many people around us who are the 'today’s Kartini' such as our mother, grand mom, aunt, sister and many woman around us. Every people has different opinion in who and what a 'today’s Kartini' is such a like. And it is really difficult to find Kartini nowadays, because maybe there are many Kartini outside or contrary, there are many women that call herself as Kartini but they are not Kartini at all. Furthermore, by seeing the condition recent days, it really possible that the definition of Kartini has changed......(sent by Siti Fatimah:

Monday, April 14, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (5th Up Date)

In this edition we're really surprised! Ya, we're surprised, not surprising. Why? Because, several days ago, a boy who still in elementary school set an e-mail and told us that he wanted to take a part in motivating people to learn English. He said (in his e-mail) that his written wasn't perfect, but he also said that he just (and quite) brave to practice his English.
The name of that boy was Tia. Setia Rahayu, completely. Remember, he's a boy, not a girl! He's the brother of SPEC's instructor, Mr. Khadis. But, in deciding to publish his article, we didn't consider him as the brother of SPEC's instructor (not because he's the brother of SPEC's instructor). We saw the positive side. His article is quite inspiring. Think, he's an elementary school student and brave enough to use his English. What about you? What about your brother / sister? What about your students?
And, when we decided to publish Tia's article, we decided to not edit it at all. We thought that it would be more natural if we publish the original article. Guess, what did Mr. Khadis say about his brother. He said, "I support him to practice his English as much as possible. Include, if both of us have "good mood", we often speak in English at home. Even sometimes he gets a little bit difficulties, I keep helping him. And, about his article, that was his own initiative and I didn't help him to arrange his article. I just let him to use my dictionary in translating the article."
What a surprising comment for a surprising brother. But, it always right that this blog isn't a special one for senior high students only, even it's published by a senior high school's English club. If you're a university student, a teacher, even a housewife, you may take a part too in this blog. Just share your ideas, comments, or opinions. Send them to our e-mail address, and get a lot of fun in practicing English!

NB: In this edition, we'll talk more about "Bravery". Check all our articles now!


"Recommended For: Students" My name is Setia Rahayu. You can call me Tia. I was born in Purbalingga 5 February 1997. I am class VI (six). I am school in SD N 2 Kutawis. My address in Kutawis village. My hobby is football. My favorite football club is Manchester united (MU). I usually playing football in field together with friends. And sometimes with teenagers. I want to be smart in English like my brother. He is alumni SMA 1 Bukateja and he was leader of SPEC. So that why I am trying learn English well include brave practice English. Luckily my brother want to help my to learn English and want to help me sending my article through e-mail to SPEC e-mail address to be published in SPEC blog. For me whoever must be able to use English because English is funky and very useful for our future. So that why English is one my favorite lesson at school. My English teacher is Mrs. Arin. Besides lesson English I also like lesson IPA and IPS. My desire is want to be famous football player and smart in English so that easy in communication with foreigners.


"Recommended For: Mostly Students"

The problem of writing, both of stories and scientific articles recognized as a heavy and difficult job. Not only by students, but also by university graduates, especially from language and literary faculty. The proof is that not too much students whom they can write productively and make good composition. The problem, in fact, isn’t about the material that they don’t have. But the problem is how to describe the material into paragraph and how to begin the first paragraph. A paragraph that a difficult one to be started by beginners. So they more often scratch the written, then knead and throw it away. After that, they become hate to writing and literary.
Really, writing is joyful. Writing is amazing. You may read a book entitled “Main-Main Dengan Teks” by Hernowo (Kaifa, 2004) and “Menulis Itu Menyenangkan” by Solihin (Al Azhar Press, 2005). After you read those books, you’ll know that if we can write, means that we’re given a miracle. By writing, we’re trained to be honest, open minded, and smart.
Let’s write! Just write an article. Just write a poem, short story, or criticism for a newspaper or magazine. If your writing will be addressed to an editor of magazine or newspaper, please keep in your mind: DON’T GIVE UP IF YOUR ARTICLE / STORY NOT BE PUBLISHED AT THIS TIME. TRY ANOTHER TIME. KEEP SENDING ARTICLE / STORY. Really, no (special) school of writing. But, there’re so many tips to solve the difficulties in starting to write.

1st tip: solving internal problem
Internal problem in writing is an absolute freedom of ourselves. The first step to do before starting to write is make ourselves fully free. Sometimes, our internal problem is feeling stressed and laziness after we get a list of requirements (systematic or structure of writing, etc.). To face this problem, start your paragraph by writing whatever. Whatever you want, whatever you think, even it’s not related with your writing plan at all. And read refreshing books / magazines to get new inspiration.

2nd tip: solving “used language” problem
In some cases, language is an absolute freedom of the writer. The writer chooses his own style. Although, for some publications, for both of articles and short stories (for example), there’s a policy from the editor to regulate the language style. But, it’s really suggested for you who want to start writing for public, choose the language style that mostly show your character. Like written in Harian Suara Merdeka (editon of July 3rd 2005): “Bahwa kalimat ‘Aku Suka Kamu’, ‘Gue Suka Elo’, ‘I Love You’ dan seterusnya adalah sama saja. Semua ini hanya masalah kosa kata, bukan masalah makna atau struktur kalimat. Bukankah makna dan pola S-P-O nya sama?”

3rd tip: solving “material source” problem
The source and inspiration of writing can be found from everywhere. You can find tips and tricks to write good article on internet. You can find “how to publish” our short stories from books / magazines / newspaper. Or you can find inspiration from:
  1. observation to environment
  2. personal or other people’s experience
  3. reading books (remember, there’s a proverb says, “Kunci utama dalam menulis adalah membaca’)
  4. watching tv
  5. listening to the radio
  6. surfing on internet
  7. discussion
  8. events in our surrounding

By reading more references, means that more data we get for our (source of) written. And you should know that the famous writers were good reader in the beginning. So, their works are more “powerful”.
Then, how if suddenly we get stuck while writing, and at the same time we find new material / idea too? Save your first article and develop your new idea to become the second article. For example, we’re writing about the impact of the increasing price of BBM. But, suddenly we can’t complete it. At the same time, we find an idea to write about presidential speech of president SBY. So, just write our new idea and for a while, we save our article about the impact of increasing price of BBM. This case, sometimes called as “selingkuh cerita”.
And the last, like a famous writer often says: “Milikilah buku harian / diary.” Ya, a diary is the best place to start writing. It’s the most honest book. On it, we can write about whatever freely. Anger, sadness, happiness, etc. Poem, short story, etc. Really, no book as honest as a diary. And, a diary isn’t prohibited to be owned by boys (because some people think that a diary is girl’s book). All (famous) writer must be have a diary. It can be ordinary diary or the digital one (for example: weblog). So, when you’ll start to (be brave to) write?

1. Suara Merdeka newspaper (July 3rd, 2005)
2. Suara Merdeka newspaper (December 11th, 2005)
3. Suara Merdeka newspaper (January 8th, 2006)
4. Annida magazine (December 15th, 2005)
5. Kiat Menulis Cerpen by Harris Effendi T. (Angkasa, 1999)
6. Main-Main Dengan Teks by Hernowo (Kaifa, 2004)
7. Menulis Itu Menyenangkan by Solihin (Al Azhar Press, 2005)

Monday, April 7, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (4th Up Date)

In this edition we are going to talk about "The Power Of Women" that represented by women in Wanogara village, Purbalingga. Yes! Beacuse we are going to welcome Kartini Day. Of course, all medias also have Kartini Day as the hottest topic in every April. And, still like usual, we'd like to keep responding every comment and question, left and sent to our e-mail address. Like the latest direct comment from our students: "I visited the blog after my friends recommended me to visit. Then, today, I'd like to give a comment. Hopefully, you can accept it. Ok, I think some articles on this blog were not explained well and sometimes still lack of sufficient explanation. So, maybe you need to improve them more. But, generally, the articles are interesting and quite inspiring, showing that you are more than brave to practice your English. Keep practice your English!"it was a great comment. Ok, as beginners, we recognize that because of our limited ability, we often can't serve simple, tight, and clear information. We just try to be brave first, to practice our English even the grammar and the structure are not considered yet. But we will keep learning and improving our ability and our quality, include the contents of this blog.


"Recommended For: Teacher and Student"

Talking about Kartini day, automatically we will recognize that it's related with women's day. So far, I become remember about a village where all activities mostly done by women. The village is Wanogara. It's located in sub distric Rembang, regency of Purbalingga. There, the residents produce "gerabah" or "pedhama lemah" such as ciri, layah, kendhil, etc. They are traditional kitchen kit. Potter, exactly.The first time I visited Wanogara I met an old woman shom she was processing "gerabah". She made it same as make a jar. She mixed soil and sand, and then put them on wooden plate / potter's wheel. Later, she turned it while shaping her "gerabah".I met another woman too. She was "nggejrot" or mixing soil and sand. She mixed chosen sand from the river. Besides that, I saw women who burnt "gerabah". Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture because the smoke was so thick. One of them said that the burning process is the last process before "gerabah" be sold. But, before burning process they should dry the "gerabah" under sun heat.In Wanogara, all "gerabah" producers are women. They look for the soil and the sand from field and river. They do "nggejrot", shaping "gerabah", until burn the "gerabah". On the other hands, the men just as "marketing staff".
(Taken from The Creative Minority, a monthly English bulletin of LP3I Purbalingga, 3rd edition, April 2007. Original title was Wanogara In View: Emancipation Or Culture?)


"Recommended For: Students"

There are many ways to improve our skill in English. Learning English doesn't always mean reading a big book, memorizing all vocabularies in dictionary or by spending all night to study and remembering the tenses, structure, grammar, etc. It's true that learning English can be something funny, enjoyable and something we are waiting for ! We can start our learning program in English by doing our hobby, whatever it is (reading, watching movies, listening music, writing, etc). People say, that hobbies in watching movies and listening music don't give any benefit at all. We could ignore what they say, because actually those things are very useful in improving our English skill. Of course as our basic here, the movie and music are in English. Then, how it works? Indirectly, by listening our favorite music we are about to remembering and memorize the song. Here, we can say that we are improving our listening skill. We can get the improvement by watching English movies as well, which can be a great method in learning English. By this, we can get many vocabularies that is useful in daily activities which is different from vocabularies we got by reading book. We could know in which condition we have to use a kind of words or phrase (diction) and, the custom as well, which is important enough. We are learning English in order to be master in English, fluent in speaking English, or at least can speak in English which all have a meaning ”able to communicate in English”. We are able to communicate English if we are able to make such a conversation and dialog with native speakers well, then. And we will able to create a good conversation while we know and understand their culture and custom, which can be gotten by watching English movies. Besides, by reading the translation text, we can learn about the structure of the sentences as well, which could be our problem in English. There are more, the things we can learn by doing our hobbies. It is our hobbies, the things we like to do, so we must be do it in happiness, no pressure, which is important and required in learning process. It will be easier to learn something we like it so to learn English easier, we have to like and love English first, we have to like and miss the learning process which is the thing make us like to learn English. Remember, to be master in English you have to love it first. Then, find your favorite way in learning English. Again, there are more things we can learn by doing our hobbies. So, find out your self! (article sent by:


"Recommended For: Students / Mostly English Club's Leaders"

In handling an English club, we are about managing so many things. Moreover, if we are the leader. Besides we must arrange the schedules, find out the interesting ways to learn English (such as game, quiz, discussion), etc. we also have to pay attention to "the important things" in organization. They are:1. Clear and fix job description. As a leader, we have to be able to explain the function and limitation of the works. Means that "what should be done" for the running period. So, altough our English club has purpose to develop English skills through fun activities, it doesn't mean that our English club isn't formal. Wherever the English club exists, an English club should has clear structure in organization.2. Good coordination and communication. A leader of an English club should be able to make a good coordination in formal and informal ways. Formal means coordination through weekly / monthly meetings or in an event. And informal coordination means coordination outside of organization's activities or being a good friend, not only as commander. A good leader would listen to his / her staffs and give solutions if they have problem.3. Give rewards. For a success event or success program, a leader need to appreciate his / her staffs' works to eternalize the relationship between the leader and the staffs. An appreciation doesn't always mean money (salary) except it's possible. But, a sincere "thank you, guys" can be a good (and free) appreciation too.An English club isn't always a "play area". In a particular condition, an English club also a formal institution. Moreover, if it's located at school. So, besides managing ourselves to be able to use our English, an English club also a place for learning about organization. A good organization must has clear command line, schedule, budgeting, etc. because those things are the "basic" before we run activities or events. Without clear command line, we can't command the members. How can we command them if they are not respecting us as the committee (because they think there's no committee)? So, make your English club managed well in organization side first.


"Recommended For: Students"

After school, some students who were waiting for "Angkot" discussed their problem in translating sentence or paragraph both from bahasa Indonesia into English and from English into bahasa Indonesia. They thought that if there's translator devices, it will be easy to get the translation and be more understand the content of a sentence or paragraph. On the other hands, a student asked about the web site (address) which could translate bahasa Indonesia into English because she wanted to try to chat through chatting service and send e-mail in English.It's easy to get the translation nowadays. Not only from bahasa Indonesia into English or from English into bahasa Indonesia. But, some devices such as digital dictionary can also translate to many, many languages. Ya, today, digital dictionary and translator softwares can be found as easy as to use it. But, please note, that the problem in translating a language through software are about accuracy and time consuming.When we try to translate using a software, maybe we get it faster. But, after that you need to check the result's accuracy related with the context. Sometimes, a word can't be used if be combined with other words to arrange a sentence. So, finally we need to check word by word, line by line, context and usage of terms, even the completeness of sentence. It's consuming more time! On the other hands, direct / manual translating through opening dictionary, will make us memorize well about new vocabularies and enrich our vocabularies too. Altough, we aren't prohibited to use technology. Technology made to help us, but don't trust it too much. Because technology made by human and never be perfect.


"Recommended For: Students"

Learning English isn't an easy thing. But English also not too difficult to be learnt. It depends on how we choose the steps in learning it.
Actually, there are so many ways to learn English. We can find books about how to master grammar and structure, we can get tutorials about speaking and listening, etc. But, without "true love" to English itself, it's impossible for us to ba able to use English. Really, all of us want to get good mark in every English test and practice our English by speaking. But, without any bravery to make mistakes first, we won't be able to use our English. And, without any self confidence, we will never speak!
Come on, it's time to make your own environment consist of 2 or 3 close friends. Then start to speak in English and ignore your structure. Just speak with 1 tense. Just think that simple past tense, future tense, and the others tenses are the same. Then, read more articles in English, listen to English songs, and watch the English movies. And, never give up, please!
But, by the way, we often hear a student says "aku ingin bisa bahasa Inggris". In fact, most of students say that to mean they want to be able to solve / answer all questions given by teacher. To answer TOEIC or TOEFL test or final test. Why don't they want to master English because they want to speak each other in English, or communicate with the native speakers, or go to abroad? Most of students just want to pass the exam! Unfortunately! So, how's your idea? Would you like to share your opinion?