Monday, April 7, 2008


"Recommended For: Students"

Learning English isn't an easy thing. But English also not too difficult to be learnt. It depends on how we choose the steps in learning it.
Actually, there are so many ways to learn English. We can find books about how to master grammar and structure, we can get tutorials about speaking and listening, etc. But, without "true love" to English itself, it's impossible for us to ba able to use English. Really, all of us want to get good mark in every English test and practice our English by speaking. But, without any bravery to make mistakes first, we won't be able to use our English. And, without any self confidence, we will never speak!
Come on, it's time to make your own environment consist of 2 or 3 close friends. Then start to speak in English and ignore your structure. Just speak with 1 tense. Just think that simple past tense, future tense, and the others tenses are the same. Then, read more articles in English, listen to English songs, and watch the English movies. And, never give up, please!
But, by the way, we often hear a student says "aku ingin bisa bahasa Inggris". In fact, most of students say that to mean they want to be able to solve / answer all questions given by teacher. To answer TOEIC or TOEFL test or final test. Why don't they want to master English because they want to speak each other in English, or communicate with the native speakers, or go to abroad? Most of students just want to pass the exam! Unfortunately! So, how's your idea? Would you like to share your opinion?

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