Sunday, August 3, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (14th Up Date)

It was so amazing when we opened registration for new students to join SPEC this year. Because, we found that 94 new students were so interested to join. What a great number! In fact, last year we only got for about 30 students! It means, the increasing of the amount of students who join SPEC will be a “homework” for the committee to be better. Better in organizing club, better in events. This year, we have a plan to hold "A Tourist Hunting Program" and any other outdoor activities. Then, With a great number of participants (members), hopefully can make SPEC better and get more achievement. Because, the students who join SPEC this year have good potential. Then, in our pages today, we have several information that maybe useful for you, especially for new students / new comers / new visitors / person which is this time is the first time to access this blog. We also have new tips for teachers to make students be active in speaking plus have fun. So, keep stay tune!

We'd like to say "Welcome to SPEC" to new members of SPEC listed below:

Class XA
  1. Ganjar Hendriarto
  2. Ali Prabowo
  3. Riku Ridwan
  4. Taruna Risky
  5. Septiono
  6. Indah Kartika Sari
  7. Dwi Yogiyanti
  8. Ema Susilowati
  9. Arif Muamah W
  10. Prisdiana
  11. Hannan Faizal
  12. Diyah Nur Aeni
  13. Roro Kartika
  14. Agus Sugiyanto
  15. Andika Siwi P
  16. Alfiatin
  17. Nur Endah Larasati
  18. Lia Anggraeni
  19. Luisa
  20. Sefina Nur A
  21. Fist Fajar K

Class XB
  1. Galank Angga P
  2. Ganjar
  3. Sri Srah
  4. Linda Diana
  5. Desi
  6. Afriani
  7. As'ad
  8. Hasan
  9. Uni
  10. Nita
  11. Yuda
  12. Titi
  13. Safika
  14. Lili
  15. Zahrotun Nisa
  16. Dwi Susanti

Class XC
  1. Revina Novanti
  2. Wantia Hikmah
  3. Nurjanah
  4. Efiani Purwanti
  5. Nur Rodliah
  6. Bayu Sakti Wisnu
  7. Diah Haryani
  8. Dimas Bayu

Class XD
  1. Tia Mardani
  2. Wilda Nurul H
  3. Apri Wulandari
  4. Ayun Riana
  5. Tri Fiatin
  6. Febria Noor S
  7. Nova R
  8. Tuti Winarsih
  9. Indriyani
  10. Ita Tri R
  11. Safitri Nur R
  12. Feni Tri
  13. Rizki Febrita
  14. Achyat Nur

Class XE
  1. Feri Prasetyo
  2. Dita Nur Priyanti
  3. Ary Luhviati
  4. Indah Kurnia
  5. Suci Nur Fauziah
  6. Fikawati Nur Khabibah
  7. Ika Mei
  8. Istiyah
  9. Tri Winarsih
  10. Emi Afitri
  11. Mutiara A P
  12. Tridiyah Pratiwi

Class XF
  1. Esti Sulistiyani
  2. Dwi Septiani
  3. Solikhatul M
  4. Siska R
  5. Ristika Oktavina
  6. Atina Aulia F
  7. Wiwit S
  8. Mely M
  9. Ria L W
  10. Nur Endah
  11. Nur Anisa
  12. Fadilla N

Class XG
  1. Indah Lestari
  2. Dina Ayu Puspita Sari
  3. Sadriyah Pratiwi
  4. Uki Apriani
  5. Aditia Rimadani
  6. Bara G
  7. Kristia Ningsih
  8. Marliana Saputri
  9. Pratiwi Yuli
  10. Anisa Dwi Harfiah
  11. Fandi Sudrajat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

met ya buat anak2 yang udah ngikut SPEC,seriusin tuh ekskul.. lanjutin kerja kakak2 kelas mu yang ngebawa SPEC..!! d0nt giv3 up