Sunday, September 14, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (18th Up Date)

In this fasting month, SPEC has no special agenda. School limits students’ activities so that they more concentration on their study and religion activities. But, SPEC has agendas for the months after “Lebaran Day”. They are debating exercise, preparation for SPEC’s anniversary, and English Night. Special for debating exercise, SPEC advisors have chosen nine students. They are selected based on their ability in English, activeness in SPEC, and their interest to join and improve their English. The nine students are:
  1. Novita Widyatama (was chosen because of her activeness in SPEC)
  2. Andi Alicia Fransiska (was chosen because of her activeness in SPEC and her interest to debate) Read more about Andi Alicia Fransiska.
  3. Mualim Ibnu (was chosen because of his English teacher’s recommendation)
  4. Riana Ika (was chosen because of her English teacher’s recommendation)
  5. Fitri Yuliana (was chosen because of her activeness in SPEC. She has an experience in English Debating Championship too, as LO / Liaison Officer)
  6. Ambalika (was chosen because of her English teacher’s recommendation)
  7. Indah Lestari (was chosen because of her English teacher’s recommendation)
  8. Tri Winar (was chosen because of her English teacher’s recommendation)
  9. Anisa (was chosen because of her English teacher’s recommendation)

Congratulation for them!

By the way, do you notice that this blog seems different? Yes, of course. Because the interface of this blog had been changed. Hopefully, this new interface will be more beautiful and nicer so that can attract more visitors.
Still like in our previous SQR (SPEC Quick Response), we’d like to respond idea, suggestion, and criticism that left in comment menu under each article or sent to our e-mail: Some inputs that left and sent to us:
  1. I just want to ask to SPEC committee, SPEC members, or SPEC advisor: why the quality and quantity of articles in this blog are getting down. In the beginning, this blog could serve qualified articles and usually, the number of articles almost more than five. But now, in one week, this blog only could publish 3 articles or less. And, please add more photographs about SPEC activities, ok?
  2. Why, today SPEC doesn’t specify the theme of each publication like previous publications? Actually, the idea of specifying theme of every publication will help the visitors know faster the main topic and the purpose of the publication. Through SQR (SPEC Quick Response), information about “Today’s Theme” is very important, because through SQR visitors will know “What’s new today” in this blog.
  3. If I’m not mistaken, SPEC is organizing a “comment competition”. For the best and the most constructive comments, suggestions, and criticisms, there will be nice souvenir (written in SQR 10th Up Date). Now, I just want to know, whether SPEC has decided the winner or not. If so, please announce the winner. If it’s possible, add his/her/their photograph.

For every response to this blog, we are really thanks to the people who care with this blog by leaving and or sending comment. But, we are really sorry too, because not all inputs, questions, criticisms, or suggestions can be responded as quick as possible. It is caused by SPEC has no special officer yet, whom he should stay online. So, for every inputs, questions, criticism, or suggestions will be responded maximally in one week, together with up dating content activity.

Then, to respond inputs above we will give you explanations as follow:
  1. For several recent publications, SPEC has no too much articles to be published. We are sorry for this. We realize that we are really lack of materials for several recent weeks. So that why, if visitors of this blog has good articles, we don’t mind to receive and publish it. But, please notice that the articles must be suitable for our readers, in English, informative, inspiring, or motivating. If it’s possible, the article can be completed with pictures / photographs.
  2. The theme for each publication is related with the content / main articles. When we are lack of materials, it means that we can’t specify the theme. But, don’t worry. Start from this edition, we are trying to re-build the publication that completed by specific theme. Hopefully, we can be better after this. We are really studying.
  3. For the “Comment Competition”, we haven’t decided the winner, because we haven’t got “good” comment yet. All comments, suggestions, and criticisms that we received were good, but not constructive enough. We don’t need praise, but we need more constructive idea / suggestions from the visitors. Until now, we haven’t found it. Besides that, most of people who left good suggestion / criticism in our blog didn’t enclose his / her original name. Most of them used nickname. It’s quite difficult to contact them later, if one of them were the winner. So, if you want to leave comment / suggestion / criticism, ensure that you enclose your name. If you are not alumni of SPEC or you are not alumni of SMA N 1 Bukateja, please enclose another ID. Minimally, your e-mail address so that we can contact you later. This “Comment Competition” will be closed on September 30th , 2008. Remember, we have a special gift for the best and the most constructive idea / suggestion / criticism.

Then, in this week publication, we have a theme: Alumni, What's Up? The original article was written by our instructor, Mr. Khadis. He is an alumnus of our school and our beloved SPEC too. Hopefully, through this week publication, we become know more about alumni so that later we can make a good connection each other. Because, actually, keep in touch gives us benefits. By keeping in touch with alumni, we can get information, suggestions, advice, etc. About running club well, about good university / college, about working opportunities, and anything. So, stay connected with us!


Anonymous said...

aku tuh seneng banget ikut spec!!! Kesan aku soal sunday morning"asyik b
banget"semoga spec slalu jaya!!! (Diyah.Nur.A)

Anonymous said...

Aku seneng banget ikut spec!
selain kakak2 yg baek2,cara pembelajarannya yg asyik 'N ngak ngebosenin,aku juga bisa nambah temen.Buat smua anggota spec,met puasa.JAYA TERUS SPEC SMAN1Bukateja!

Anonymous said...

SPEC.....TOP BGT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

spec keren abiezzz....... klow bisa screen sever'y yang lbh menarik dooonk..!!!! makasih jg bwt pak Fembi yang udh mau ngasih tw kisi-kisi bwt mid. (destia & reni ~xA)

Anonymous said...

spec is the best lah........ ok bgt!!! moga makin sukses yaw...!!!!
(Lisa & Luisa ~ xA)

Anonymous said...

sukses yah bwt sPecCCCCCCCC........!!!
(Agustin & Desti ~ xA)

Anonymous said...

PAK fembi.mid nya yang gmpng2dong.jngn yang suliiiit2ya pak feeeeembi?????freedom to spec forever dan anymore(yonas xb)

Anonymous said...

SPEC progam pembelajara yang baik,dapat memancing daya ingat siswa....SPEC BEST OF THE BEST..Eh aku POENYA P'TANYAAN WAT SPEC NIE..............????KISS PA YG PALING HANGAT...HAYO TAU GA??JAWABANYAAAAA KISINGAN TAI KEB000000000000...HA....HA...JUST KIDDING (RIZKI JANUAR & FERRY DARMAWAN) kelas:Xb(sepuluh)....SEPULUH BHE....YES GTU.....

Anonymous said...

pak fembi mid nya jngn banyak2 doooong/ spec gitu lohhhhhhhhhhhh.agus sulistio xb

Anonymous said...

pak fembi.....aku di kasih kisi-kisinya dunk....tyus soalnya yang gampang ya...aku kan dah buka internet,jadi ga mungkin remidikan,,,,,,,,slam wat nak cewe-cewe tapi khusus wat yg cntik-cntik doank...............

Anonymous said...

HAI.......................HOW ARE YOU????????RIZKI & FERRY Xb

Anonymous said...

semoga spec maju selalu.....

Anonymous said...

met puasa ya......

Anonymous said...

M'trt sy kegiatan ekskul spec itu sangat baik krn akan membantu kt mempersiapkan diri menuju k era globalisasi dmn stiap org dwjbkn unk dpt berbahasa inggris.Hny saja yang msh perlu di grs bwhi dsn adalah keefektfn skalgs keefisienan keg ini agr tuj yg sblmnya dibuat dpt tercapai dan sesuai dg yang dhrpkn.Keg2 yg ada mkn msh sgt perlu dievaluasi kembali agr siswa siswi benr2 dpt mengerti akn bahasa inggris.Plg tdk dpt mngucpkannya.


Anonymous said...

Success for SPEC! It's a beautiful background now.I think it's more interesting now than before. Improve our blog continously. And, if it's possible, please up load english teachers' profile.

Anonymous said...

mEt cYOre.........
SPEC mAnX jEmpolaN dweh..

pAk fEmbRiii bnTar aGy kn mU sMSteran,,soAl buAt kLz XI jng suSah2 ya pak...yg gMpnX2 aza yuA,,


sUKses SElaLu buAt sPec..

(yULianTi AP,,XIIs2)