We're really sorry about this week publication that couldn't be up dated and published on time (we usually up date this blog on Sunday or Monday). Why?An error happened to Blogspot, said a friend. He couldn't post his articles to his blog too. We didn't know what kind of error. Yeah, altough it's out of schedule and too late to publish our articles, we should keep up dating our lovely blog.Actually, at the first time we found that we couldn't log in to our admisnistrator page, we were afraid that we would never be able to up date our blog again. We were really afraid because we heard that blogs will be blocked by government. The reason is because blogs are often used to publish pornography. As we know, Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) will block all web sites (include weblog / blog) that contain pornography. Blogs are included as blocked web sites because blogs are recognized as the easiest way (and free of charge) for porno-aholics to expose pornography. So, we're really afraid that our blog will be blocked too, altough this blog isn't pornography "provider". Because, if government realize to block blog without any exception, it means and it will be possible that blog for education like this blog also will be blocked. But, we hope that government will not block all blogs because not all blog provide pornography. In fact, some blogs provide useful tutorials, information about certain community, and concern to education. So, for government, please be selective.
Oke, altough it's out of schedule and too late to talk about Kartini Day, but we would like to talk about it. Last monday, April 21st, all all women in Indonesia are celebrating Kartini Day. A day that of course, related with women. The day of women.Actually, who's Kartini? What did she do so that her name become famous after she passed away? Just want to remind you about Kartini, in this publication we enclose the history of Kartini, taken from Window In The World 3 book. Besides that, we also got e-mail from alumni and it will be published in this edition too. Publishing an e-mail? Not the e-mail, actually. But, the article sent through the e-mail. Thanks for the sender, Siti Fatimah.And, for the next publication, we'll talk about the prediction of UAN result and "preparation" of welcoming Hardiknas or Hari Pendidikan Nasional, May 2nd. Wanna join us?
Just little bit questions about next publication:
- How was the UAN?
- What was the easiest and the hardest exam?
- Did you have special preparation for UAN? What was that?
- How's your feeling now, after passing UAN?
- What's your plan after passing UAN?
- Do you have sufficient information about the school (college / university) where you'll continue your study?
and more questions.......Be sure to join us to practice your English. Send your article or response to specsmansabuk@gmail.com