Monday, June 30, 2008


It is very nice when you can study in SMAN 1 Bukateja. Why?

A good school, of course, has a lot of criteria: has high pass in grade, has good discipline, has good teachers whom they are experts in their field, and has up to date materials for teaching-learning process. Besides that, educate its students to have moral and ethics, build creative and shape the students to be active in seminar, discussion, and observation. And, most of those criteria are owned by SMAN 1 Bukateja.

The students of SMAN 1 Bukateja also have a lot of achievement in many fields. Not only in academic achievement, but also in nonacademic achievement. They could get achievement because they have the ways. They are the extracurricular. Some extracurricular (we commonly call extracurricular as “x-cool”) in SMAN 1 Bukateja:
1. Students Practice English Club (SPEC)
Here, students can learn English more intensive through games, out door activities, drama exhibition, English Night, and debate. Students also will be given a chance to take a part in managing this blog.
SPEC, which was established in 2003, has a room with AC, tape and multimedia desk for listening activity, and also laptop and LCD Projector. These things made the members of SPEC motivated, enjoyed in learning, and finally got so many achievements

2. Chrisda Pala (Christina – Gadjah Mada Pecinta Alam)
Students who like to climb a mountain and want to be a jungle explorer, who can survive in the wild nature, may join PA (Pecinta Alam).

3. Perikanan
Perikanan or fishery made SMAN 1 Bukateja becomes well known as “The School of Fish”. In this x-cool, students will learn about how to look after and spawn fishes.

4. Pramuka
This x-cool is the one of obliged x-cool for students of 1st grade. They must attend Pramuka (Scouting activity) every Friday. Why scouting should be an obliged x-cool? SMAN 1 Bukateja believe that through scouting, students can learn more about ethics, team work, discipline, and other positive behaviors out side of class. Through scouting, students also become healthier. Both of physically and mentally.

Besides students can be active in those extracurricular, they also can be active in OSIS and other extracurricular: PMR (Palang Merah Remaja), Rokhis (Rokhaniawan Islam), Perisai Diri, Basket Ball and Volley Ball, and Paskibraka.

So, SMAN 1 Bukateja gives you much more choices!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mas chrisda pala kepanjanganya christina gajah mada pecinta alam... bukan christina pecinta alam universitasga jah mada... hehe...