Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Now, I'm finishing my final assignment in my campus: building web site for Dishubpar (Dinas Perhubungan dan Pariwisata) Purbalingga. When I was doing a survey, i found that actually, in Purbalingga there are so many legends about the beginning of Purbalingga and some villages. one of the legends is a story about the beginning of Siwarak village. Once upon a time, when Islam was growing up in Java island, in Banyumas region there were 2 mubaligh (teacher of Islam) and their 2 followers. They are Akhmad and Muhamad (mubaligh), and Bangas and Bangis (followers). In expanding Islam, they got obstacle: challenge from Majapahit kingdom. A commander had been sent to block Islam development. He was Ki sutaraga. In his work, Ki Sutaraga was successfull to block Akhmad and Muhamad's effort. So, Akhmad and Muhamad were forced to run away. Luckily, they could hide in Gua Lawa (The Cave of Bats) and asked for guidance from God about how to save their selves and then continue their work (expanding and developing Islam in Banyumas region). In a silence, they got guidance from God so that they change their name. From Akhmad and Muhamad to Taruno and Taruni. After changing their name, they left the cave. Luckily, Ki Sutaraga didn't know Akhmad and Muhamad's face. So, when he met them and asked whether they saw Akhmad and Muhamad, Taruno and Taruni just said that they often see Akhmad and Muhamad. But, 2 days ago, Akhmad and Muhamad dead because of tigers attack. Ki Sutaraga believed in them and announced this news to his soldiers. In the same time, the people whom they were recognized had been dead, walked savely to north to continue their duty: expanding and developing Islam. The news of Akhmad and Muhamad's death heard by Bangas and Bangis. This cause they wanted to do revenge directly. They challenged Ki Sutaraga to fight. But, Ki Sutaraga whom he had divine power didn't care about the challenge. Bangas and Bangis became so curious, and, with anger they attacked Ki Sutaraga. But, Ki Sutaraga just said: "Hey, you! Bangas and Bangis! You are bad mannered! You are like animal!" Because of the divine power he had, included in his words, Ki Sutaraga could change Bangas and Bangis into rhinoceroses or "Warak" in Javanese language. After that, Ki Sutaraga asked for his soldier so that in the future, that place should be named as "Siwarak". Actually, the legend of Siwarak village was so long. Because, in the legend there were other stories that related with the beginning of places around Gua Lawa such as the legend of Gua Ratu Ayu. In the past, in Gua Ratu Ayu, there were 2 beautiful girl: Endang Murdaningsih and Endang Murdaningrum. They had 3 pets: 1 white tiger, 1 black tiger, and 1 yellow tiger. People of Siwarak village said that the tigers ever come to the house of village headman and talked to the village headman, his wife, and some night patrol officers.

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