Monday, July 20, 2009


KangGuru, a magazine that published by IALF is one of media that supports teaching-learning-practicing activity in every SPEC programs. It’s an easy reading magazine and easy to understand even for beginners. The contents are so informative, entertaining, and give us a lot of new knowledge. And, the most important thing is, it’s FREE! All of you may apply and get the magazine regularly just be sending request by SMS, letter, or e-mail. It’s totally free and very useful for students and teachers.

SPEC, since its first year used KangGuru magazine as one of media that is used in learning activities. The members of SPEC are recommended to be its subscriber too. By being the subscriber of KangGuru Magazine, you will get tips and tricks, information about scholarships, cross culture understanding (especially knowledge about cultures in Australia), and you may take a part in a lot of quiz that will reward you a lot of stuffs from Australia. Each quiz in each edition sometimes will reward you with dictionary, boomerang, funny key rings, original CD (album of interviewed Indonesian / Australian singers), even 3 days tour to Bali Island! KangGuru Indonesia also has a broadcasting program that can be heard from a lot of radio stations in Indonesia. The broadcasting are transmitted all over Indonesia. If you are in Banyumas (the region where SMA Bukateja exists), you can listen to LPP RRI Purwokerto (FM 93,1 MHz / MW 756 KHz).

And the thing that you must know, Rizky Kurniawan, one of SPEC alumni won the 2009 KGI Writing Competition. He was the 3rd winner and got a chance to visit KangGuru Office in Bali. I am sure, that you will not miss the same chance as him. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s be KangGuru subscriber right now and take a part in every quiz offered!

KangGuru Magazines are published in March, June, September, and December. They are free and should not be sold for profit. If you would like your own personal copy, then write an interesting letter, e-mail, or SMS (in English), of at least 75 words, to KGI to order the KangGuru Magazines. Be sure to tell about your life, hobbies, family, school, etc. Don’t worry about your English, okay?

KangGuru Indonesia
IALF – Bali
PO Box 3095, Denpasar, Bali 80030
Mobile: 081 2387 0479 (SMS Only)

Rizky’s profile and his story in Bali
will be posted in this blog next week (Insya Allah…).

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