Monday, June 30, 2008


It was very nice when we received article sent by Tia. It was made us believe that this blog will be useful for all ages. Yes! This blog, although was built by students of senior high school of Bukateja (SMAN 1 Bukateja) who join SPEC (Students Practice English Club), but the usage of this blog will be for all people: students of elementary school, students of junior high school, students of senior high school, even for teachers. So, whatever you are, if you want to join us in practicing and developing English, just join us. You may give information, share your experience or ideas, etc. And, start from this edition, we hold “Comment Competition”. For the best and the most constructive comments, suggestions, and criticisms, there will be nice souvenir. So, left your comments, suggestions, and criticisms in “Comment Menu” under each article or send to

And now, SMAN 1 Bukateja is very busy. Not only because of PSB (Penerimaan Siswa Baru) that is being held on June 30th until July 3rd, but also because of activities after it: MOS (Masa Orientasi Siswa), MKO (Malam Keakraban OSIS), and PTA (Penerimaan Tamu Ambalan). Then, SMAN 1 Bukateja should prepare its Paskibraka team for Tujuh Belasan (Indonesian Independence Day, August 17th), carnival, and Indonesian Scout’s Anniversary. All in one time. What a busy month. So, keep visiting this blog to get the newest and up dated information from our busy school.


When my friend who joined SPEC introduced me to KangGuru, I was surprised. Really, he introduced me to “a very light” magazine. Firstly, I was confused when I should read English articles. I didn’t like English news. But, since he asked for me to read KangGuru for awhile, I became so surprised. The magazine was so colorful and attracted me to read more. I got more experience and knowledge from that magazine. Since that, I tried to get KangGuru because my friend told me that KangGuru was free. And I prove it.

Now, I’m studying in a college and be KangGuru subscriber. Because of this magazine, I become braver and braver to practice my English. I want to be brave, as brave as students of junior high school who often get KangGuru magazine and join in its forum. Send a letter, join in KangGuru competition, write an article, etc. So I hope the new members of SPEC will be KangGuru subscriber too. Don’t be left behind, because there are so many youngsters braver than us!
(sent by Iko Agus,


It is very nice when you can study in SMAN 1 Bukateja. Why?

A good school, of course, has a lot of criteria: has high pass in grade, has good discipline, has good teachers whom they are experts in their field, and has up to date materials for teaching-learning process. Besides that, educate its students to have moral and ethics, build creative and shape the students to be active in seminar, discussion, and observation. And, most of those criteria are owned by SMAN 1 Bukateja.

The students of SMAN 1 Bukateja also have a lot of achievement in many fields. Not only in academic achievement, but also in nonacademic achievement. They could get achievement because they have the ways. They are the extracurricular. Some extracurricular (we commonly call extracurricular as “x-cool”) in SMAN 1 Bukateja:
1. Students Practice English Club (SPEC)
Here, students can learn English more intensive through games, out door activities, drama exhibition, English Night, and debate. Students also will be given a chance to take a part in managing this blog.
SPEC, which was established in 2003, has a room with AC, tape and multimedia desk for listening activity, and also laptop and LCD Projector. These things made the members of SPEC motivated, enjoyed in learning, and finally got so many achievements

2. Chrisda Pala (Christina – Gadjah Mada Pecinta Alam)
Students who like to climb a mountain and want to be a jungle explorer, who can survive in the wild nature, may join PA (Pecinta Alam).

3. Perikanan
Perikanan or fishery made SMAN 1 Bukateja becomes well known as “The School of Fish”. In this x-cool, students will learn about how to look after and spawn fishes.

4. Pramuka
This x-cool is the one of obliged x-cool for students of 1st grade. They must attend Pramuka (Scouting activity) every Friday. Why scouting should be an obliged x-cool? SMAN 1 Bukateja believe that through scouting, students can learn more about ethics, team work, discipline, and other positive behaviors out side of class. Through scouting, students also become healthier. Both of physically and mentally.

Besides students can be active in those extracurricular, they also can be active in OSIS and other extracurricular: PMR (Palang Merah Remaja), Rokhis (Rokhaniawan Islam), Perisai Diri, Basket Ball and Volley Ball, and Paskibraka.

So, SMAN 1 Bukateja gives you much more choices!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hunting Tourists, was one of SPEC'sprograms since last year. But unfortunately, SPEC hasn’t realized it yet. So, hopefully, in year term 2008 / 2009 SPEC can realize “Hunting Tourists Program” with its new members. And, to help SPEC committee in preparing that program, luckily, some alumni who have visited Jogja for the same program, wanted to share their experience in “hunting” tourists. Hopefully, their experience will be a good teacher for SPEC members.
By the way, talking about Hunting Tourists program, it will remind us to a Cross Culture Understanding (CCU). That is a "basic knowledge" to learn foreigners' culture. Do you know, to start a conversation with a foreigner, we can't do this: suddenly ask his / her name? In CCU, we will learn how to start conversation with foreigners, how to greet them, etc. Look at the sample below:

It's a taboo, asking question to foreigners in the first meeting. But, how can we approach someone if we don't ask? We, Indonesian people always ask a question to start the conversation and then make a friendship. We can suddenly ask: "Mau ke mana mas?" to someone beside us in a bus. But, in foreign countries's culture, asking question(s) in the first meeting means intruding someone's privacy.
Usually, to start a conversation with foreigners we make general comment about something. For example, we are in Borobudur temple. Then, we see a tourist whom he / she is taking photograph of the temple. We walk to approach him / her. Then, if we want to start a conversation with him / her, just make a general comment such as "what a big stupa, right?". After that, we just have to wait for his / her response. If there's no response, means that there will no any conversation. Don't do this: suddenly ask for taking photograph together. By giving general comment, it will give the foreigner a choice, he / she want to talk to us or not. Without felt pressured / forced to answer when he / she doesn't want. Besides that, foreigners also show their respect by respecting other people's privacy. So, before we approach a foreigner, please look at his / her non-verbal language. Is he / she busy at the moment? Can we approach him / her when he / she is enjoying to take photograph with the family? And please be careful with personal questions. Don't ask any personal questions in the first time you meet a foreigner.


June 16th, 2008, we went to Jogja. Our purpose was practicing English with foreigners. So, we went to Borobudur temple and Prambanan temple and started to “hunt” foreigners there. We met foreigners from Holland, America, Belgium, etc. Met foreigners was an unforgettable experience. You should know, that meet and talk to foreigners is different. If you meet and talk to a foreigner, you will find that speaking in English with a native speaker is totally different with speaking in English with our teacher at school. We must listen carefully because foreigner speaks quickly. And, when they speak quickly, it’s little bit hard to catch than when our teacher speaks quickly. But, with one minute adaptation, talking with a foreigner will be easy. Hunting tourists is a good and popular program for English skill development. Some school and universities make this program as an annual program. They visit places where they can find foreigners such as temple and beach and other tourist objects. Hunting tourists is also an alternative for educative picnic. So, organizing a Hunting Tourists Program will be very fun and more educate. But, although it seems fun, hunting tourists needs a good preparation. If we want to “hunt” foreigners in tourist objects, ensure that we have sufficient “basic knowledge” about how to face foreigners. So that why, before we go to “hunt” foreigners, we should have been understood well about Cross Culture Understanding (CCU): how to start a conversation in the first meeting, how to greet, how to respect the foreigner’s privacy, etc. And of course, for a Hunting Tourists program, it’s better for us to have a tour guide or tour leader to connect us to the foreigners (as a “bridge” that connects us to the foreigners). Or, if it’s possible, we bring a tour guide who will give us a chance to be a guide for the foreigners. If so, we also have to be able to explain to the foreigners about the place(s) we visit. It means that we must have sufficient knowledge about the history of places, exact location, distance from or to other cities, facilities, how to reach the place, etc.(By alumni at LP3I: Iko Agus, Khadis, Rizki Purwitasari).




Hallo, my name is Tia. Do you still remember with me? Finally, I can write again for this blog. Now, I want to tell you about my graduation. Finally I can pass the exam with good score. And, I also get the first rank. Besides that, I also get Rp. 15,000 (fifteen thousand rupiah) from my teachers, Mr. Warno and Mr. Mudlofir. Some students also get money from them for their achievement. Teachers promised to give money to students with good score. Although not too much, but it is an extraordinary appreciation. Here is the list of my score:
1. PAI: 8.50
2. PKn: 8.30
3. Bahasa Indonesia: 8.40
4. Matematika: 6.50
5. IPA: 8.25
6. IPS: 7.80
7. Bahasa Jawa: 8.25
8. TTGA (Teknologi Tepat Guna Agrobisnis): 8.50
9. Bahasa Inggris: 9.50

In separation day (Friday, June 20th, 2008) I got chance to speech using English. Here is my text for speech that I read in separation day:






My friends also make a speech using Javanese language and Arabic language. They are Roni and Pegi.
After my graduation, I will continue my study in SMP N 3 Bukateja. The distance is not too far from my house, only meters. Moreover, it is in front of elementary school where I school. SMP N 3 Bukateja also one of favorite schools in sub district where I live.

Thanks for my brother for:
1. lending me his dictionary
2. helping me in translating this article

3. the permission for me to use his e-mail address

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (8th Up Date)

What a nice day! When we can provide you information fluently. Every week, like usual, we will up date the content of this blog with interesting stories, experiences, and information. And, this week we will talk about folklore. For teachers, folklore can be used as material in the classroom: ask for the students to present a folklore or legend in his or her village / region, or ask for them to make a drama based on a folklore. We give you the sample of folklore that develop in Purbalingga. The story will be about the beginning of Siwarak village where Gua Lawa tourist object exists. So, don't miss it!


Now, I'm finishing my final assignment in my campus: building web site for Dishubpar (Dinas Perhubungan dan Pariwisata) Purbalingga. When I was doing a survey, i found that actually, in Purbalingga there are so many legends about the beginning of Purbalingga and some villages. one of the legends is a story about the beginning of Siwarak village. Once upon a time, when Islam was growing up in Java island, in Banyumas region there were 2 mubaligh (teacher of Islam) and their 2 followers. They are Akhmad and Muhamad (mubaligh), and Bangas and Bangis (followers). In expanding Islam, they got obstacle: challenge from Majapahit kingdom. A commander had been sent to block Islam development. He was Ki sutaraga. In his work, Ki Sutaraga was successfull to block Akhmad and Muhamad's effort. So, Akhmad and Muhamad were forced to run away. Luckily, they could hide in Gua Lawa (The Cave of Bats) and asked for guidance from God about how to save their selves and then continue their work (expanding and developing Islam in Banyumas region). In a silence, they got guidance from God so that they change their name. From Akhmad and Muhamad to Taruno and Taruni. After changing their name, they left the cave. Luckily, Ki Sutaraga didn't know Akhmad and Muhamad's face. So, when he met them and asked whether they saw Akhmad and Muhamad, Taruno and Taruni just said that they often see Akhmad and Muhamad. But, 2 days ago, Akhmad and Muhamad dead because of tigers attack. Ki Sutaraga believed in them and announced this news to his soldiers. In the same time, the people whom they were recognized had been dead, walked savely to north to continue their duty: expanding and developing Islam. The news of Akhmad and Muhamad's death heard by Bangas and Bangis. This cause they wanted to do revenge directly. They challenged Ki Sutaraga to fight. But, Ki Sutaraga whom he had divine power didn't care about the challenge. Bangas and Bangis became so curious, and, with anger they attacked Ki Sutaraga. But, Ki Sutaraga just said: "Hey, you! Bangas and Bangis! You are bad mannered! You are like animal!" Because of the divine power he had, included in his words, Ki Sutaraga could change Bangas and Bangis into rhinoceroses or "Warak" in Javanese language. After that, Ki Sutaraga asked for his soldier so that in the future, that place should be named as "Siwarak". Actually, the legend of Siwarak village was so long. Because, in the legend there were other stories that related with the beginning of places around Gua Lawa such as the legend of Gua Ratu Ayu. In the past, in Gua Ratu Ayu, there were 2 beautiful girl: Endang Murdaningsih and Endang Murdaningrum. They had 3 pets: 1 white tiger, 1 black tiger, and 1 yellow tiger. People of Siwarak village said that the tigers ever come to the house of village headman and talked to the village headman, his wife, and some night patrol officers.


There are so many legends and folklores that growing up in our country. In Java, the story of Batara Kala, Sangkuriang, the story of Roro Jonggrang, are famous. Another famous folklore is Malin Kundang from Sumatera island. In other countries, legends and folklores are growing up too. Like in Japan. There, a cat has its own legend. The legend tells that there is a kind of cat which is actually, it's a monster. The cat is called as Bakaneko. It can speak and change its shape.
Another legend about cat is Maneki Neko, a cat of luck. A statue of Maneki Neko is very popular in Japan because Japanese people are believe that Maneki Neko can "invite" a luck for the owner. There are 2 version of this legend:
  1. Maneki Neko is a cat that do a gratitude for its owner's kind.
  2. Maneki Neko is the incarnation of Kannon, a god.
Black cat also has its own legend. Japanese and British are believe that people will get good fate if they see a black cat. But, American and mostly European are believe that if they see a black cat, means that they will get bad fate.


Do you want to be able to speak English? Just be confident! All people can learn new language easily. The ability of using new language isn’t only owned by genius man, or in the other words, all people are able. But, you must listen the language every day. Do you still remember when you learnt your mother tongue for the first time? Your mother didn’t teach you the language, did she? The answer is so simple: because you listen your mother tongue and use it in your daily, at home, at school, etc.

Then, this process of learning a language called as “language achievement” (pemerolehan bahasa). As long as we listen to the language, the achievement will be got. That is the difference between learning language and learning other things.

A young learner, especially under 13 has natural ability to achieve more than 1 even 2 language at the same time. But, the learner should listen to the language that used on daily interaction. Scientist said that this ability will be getting down when a learner is going to be adult. In the other words, if you still a young learner, you can be a Multilanguage speaker. Just ensure yourselves that you have potential to master English easily as long as you always try to listen and use English. Listening activities can be watching English movies, listening to English song, listening to English news, and reading “speaking book”. (Freely translated from Yunior, May 4th, 2008 edition. The original article was “Semua Orang Bisa Berbahasa Inggris” by Helena IR Agustien, Universitas Negeri Semarang).

Monday, June 9, 2008

SPEC Quick Response (7th Up Date)

Finally, after more than 1 month did “hibernation”, SPEC publishing articles again through this blog. Some students asked why SPEC stopped publishing the blog. Some alumni that study in other cities and often visit this blog also asked whether SPEC out of materials for articles, or even SPEC was dismissed.
Only one reason to answer the students’ question: there was internal problem that couldn’t be explained here. We’re really sorry. But, we still have spirit to make this blog exist. Longer than people ever guess. We still have spirit to practice and develop our English. We still have spirit to share our experience and give information that (maybe) useful for you. With new spirit, we hope that we’ll never delay or stop publishing articles (write for this blog) again.
People said that usually people filling blog in leisure time only (if they have time and if they want). So, a blog more often seems not serious. But SPEC’s blog is different. With our lack we try to keep our continuity. We’re serious to run this blog because we concern to education.
That’s true. We’re concern in education, so we’ll never to stop in running this blog and share knowledge. And, so that why, we rise up.
Then, for the first articles in this month (June 2008), we have a report from scouting activity in our beloved school, SMA N 1 Bukateja. And, we also serve information about scouting in some countries, the history, and many others. So, keep stay tune!

Opening Ceremony

Members 1

Members 2

7th EKPAT - Gathering

7th EKPAT - Silhouette

7th EKPAT - Crossing River


Not long ago a child fell into a deep irrigation ditch and was washed through a 50-foot culvert. When his cold, limp body was found, most people thought he was dead. But a Boy Scout at the place of the accident began at once to give artificial respiration to the youngster. With no one to encourage him or help him, he worked on and on. At last, as thought by a miracle, the child began to breathe. A life that had seemed lost had been saved.
This is but one of hundreds of real cases in which boy scouts have saved lives as a result of their scout training. They knew what to do in emergencies. They lived up to their scout motto: “Be prepared”.
Boys get much from scouting besides training for emergencies. They find fun and fellowship with other boys and the men who lead them. They find adventure in hiking, camping, boating, and the other outdoor sports. They gain useful knowledge and skills, and have many chances to take part in the life of their community and nation.


The man who started Scouting was born in England in 1857. His name was Robert Baden Powell. He was one of the 10 children of an Oxford University professor. As a boy, he loved outdoor life, especially camping. His hobby was sketching.
At 19 Baden Powell joined the army and became an officer. His duties took him to the frontiers of India and South Africa. There he spent much of his time training his men for military scouting. They learned to operate on their own in small groups and to remember and report what they saw. Baden Powell made up many training games and contest, which he later described in book called Aids to Scouting.
In 1899 and 1900, during the Boer War in South Africa, Baden Powell led a garrison of 1,250 men that held Mafeking through a 217 day siege. When he returned to England he was a hero. He was surprised to find that some leaders of boys had started using his scouting games and contests. He was asked to work out a program of scouting more directly suited to the needs of boys. He began to think of scouting as a game. But he wanted it to be a game with a goal, so his program was built around the high ideals of the Scout Promise and Law.
In 1907 Baden Powell held a camp on Brownsea Island in southern England, to test his ideas. He then wrote his handbook, Scouting for Boys, published in 1908. With only this handbook to guide them, troops of Boy Scouts began to spring up at once throughout Great Britain and the British Empire, and in many other countries.
Baden Powell was made a knight in 1909. In the following year he retired from the army as a lieutenant general to give all his time to scouting. In 1922 he was made a baronet and in 1929 a baron. Lord Baden Powell, the chief scout of the world died in Kenya in 1941.
Shortly after the Boy Scout movement started in Britain, William D. Boyce, an American publisher, became lost one day in a London fog. An English Scout helped him find the address he was looking for. This led Boyce to become interested in scouting. Upon his return to America he got help from leading citizens, and on February 8, 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was organized. In 1916 Congress gave the organization a federal charter.
Among those who helped found the Boy Scouts of America was Daniel Carter Beard (1850-1941). “Uncle Dan” had formed an earlier outdoor organization for boys, the Sons of Daniel Boone, about 1905. He became the first National Scout Commissioner. James E. West (1876-1948) was the first Chief Scout Executive. When he retired in 1943 the Boy Scouts of America had about 1,600,000 members. By 1973 it had more than 6,500,000 members.
The first scout troop in Canada was formed in 1908. Six years later the Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association was formed by an act of Parliament. In 1961 this name was changed to Boy Scouts of Canada. By that time there were more than 300,000 Canadian Scouts and leaders.


There are about 12,000,000 Scouts and leaders in the world today. They are found in nearly all but the Communist countries. They have different uniforms, badges, and customs, but their aims and ideals are alike. The motto “Be prepared” is known in many languages. The headquarters of the Boy Scouts World Bureau is in Geneva, Switzerland.
World jamborees are held every 4 years. These are huge camps that bring together Scouts from many nations to join hands in friendship. The first world jamboree was held in England in 1920. Many countries also hold national jamborees. The Boy Scouts of America held its first in 1937; Canada its first in 1949.


The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America is made up of men who come from about 500 local councils across the country. This body meets each year. It makes the rules of scouting. The president of the United States is the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America.
Their home office is at North Brunswick, New Jersey. A full time staff headed by the Chief Scout Executive publishes handbooks and magazines for boys and leaders. It prepares films and other leaders training materials. It controls the manufacture and sale of uniforms and equipment through stores. The staff also aids the local councils in their work.
Each local council is made up of volunteers who offer to help scouting in a city, county, or larger area. The council must, among other things, have a camp for its members. A small group of professional scouts work full time on council tasks.
Scouting reaches boys through churches, schools, and other organizations. Each group that sponsors a troop or any other scout unit offers a meeting place, good leaders, and other needed support. Outstanding men in the community are chosen as scout leaders.
The Boy Scouts of America provides a long term program for a boy from the time he is 8 years old until he is 21. At 8 he may become a Cub, at 11 a Scout, and at 14 an Explorer.

The Boy Scouts of America started Cubbing for younger boys in 1930. At that time the lowest age limit was 9.
The home is the center activity in Cubbing. There a boy learns to do many things with the help and encouragement of his parents or guardians. He starts out as a Bobcat. By completing 12 achievements he can earn his Wolf badge. Then, for earning elective credits in a variety of activities, he receives arrow points to wear under his badge. When he 9 years old he begins to work for the Bear rank. At age 10 he may join a Webelos den and earn the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouting. Webelos Scouts can also earn activity badges for learning special skills. “Webelos” stands for “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts.”
A Cub belongs to a neighborhood group of boys called a den. The den meets each week at the home of one of the boys, under the guidance of its Den Leader, who is helped by a scout called Den Chief.
Once a month the several dens that make up a Cub pack meet each together. Their leader is a Cub Master. Often the pack meetings take the form of group outings.
The Cub uniform is dark blue with yellow trim. A yellow and blue neckerchief is worn by all Cubs.
Cub Motto: “Do your best.”
Cub Promise: “I, [name], promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the law of the pack.”
Law of the Pack: “The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives good will.” (“Akela” means “good leader”.)


A boy may become a scout any time after he is 11 years old. By understanding the Scout Oath and Law and by passing a few simple test, he may join and be called a Scout. Skill awards and merit badges lead him on to Second Class and then on to First Class. Scouts may earn merit badges in any over 100 different fields. Certain merit badges help him meet the requirements for Star (9 merit badges), Life (15 merit badges), and Eagle (24 badges). Eagle is the highest award in scouting.
A small group of scouts forms a patrol. Several patrols make up a troop. The troop usually meets once a week with its adult leader, Scout Master.
Hiking and camping are parts of the adventure that scout enjoy. They learn how to take care of themselves in the open and how to help others in case of accidents. They also learn to be useful citizens.
The scout uniform is khaki. Neckerchief colors and designs are chosen locally.
Scout Oath: ”On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
Scout Motto: “Be prepared.”
Scout Slogan: “Do a good turn daily.”
Scout Law:
  1. A scout is trustworthy
  2. A scout is loyal
  3. A scout is helpful
  4. A scout is friendly
  5. A scout is courteous
  6. A scout is kind
  7. A scout is obedient
  8. A scout is cheerful
  9. A scout is thrifty
  10. A scout is brave
  11. A scout is clean
  12. A scout is reverent


Exploring is a division of the Boy Scouts of America that meets the needs of young men and women from high school to age 21. Members—and they need not be scouts—may join a general or major interest Explorer Post or Sea Explorer Ship. Exploring offers a choice of activities and a chance for adventure, vocational experience, education, and recreation. Explorers plan their own programs with the help of an adult Advisor or Skipper. Young women became full members in 1971.
Over a third of all posts are organized around a career interest such as law enforcement, medicine, banking, space exploration, computer programming, and other occupations. Explorers have many interesting national events, among which are the Explorer Olympics, the National Safe Driving Road Rally, Exploration Awards, and the National Explorer President’s Congress. (Source: The New Book Of Knowledge, Vol. 2, Grolier inc. (New York), 1974).


Recommended For: “Teacher”

Writing is important. As important as reading and speaking. The materials could be from anywhere: experience, observation, even from a picture. Yes! Each person has his own assumption about a picture. A boy can “translate” a picture into his own story and could be different with other boys. But, sometimes, writing is recognized as a boring activity. So, to reduce it we need to make “a good idea”. What is that? See the picture below:

From those various pictures, you can ask for your students to make a composition. But, remember, the pictures given should be unique to stimulate them. Or, you can be more creative by asking your students to take photograph from their surrounding. Ask them to take “strange” photo with digital camera or camera on cell phone. Then, ask them to describe the photograph on a piece of paper (why they choose the photograph, what is the meaning of the photograph, etc.). The best description (or the best picture) should be given a reward.